In case you hadn't heard, Arthur C. Clarke passed away at the age of 90. Read about it here.
"Science-fiction writer, inventor and futurist Arthur C. Clarke has died, leaving fans bereft at the loss of his brilliance and creativity."
His work contributed a great deal to our lives and our culture. He will be missed.
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11 minutes ago
1 comment:
Here's an odd little coincidence for ya.
My DS, who is 6, has for the last few months been enjoying randomly picking books off my sci-fi/fantasy bookshelves and asking me about them. (He asks me "what's the catch" when he wants to know the basic theme and plot of the book - cracks me up every time).
A few days ago, he picked out "Rendevous with Rama" and asked me to read it to him.
So you might think it's because DH and I were talking about Clarke, but no, if we discussed it at all, it was in email.
So, kinda weird that he happened to pick that one out when he did.
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