So, the rules are that the winners have to post three writing tips that they've learned along the way, and then nominate 5 more people for the award.
Tip #1: I know it's been a while since I said this but whatever you're told about your writing, or how to write (or how not to write) always Consider the Source. (And this includes any advice you get from me.) Who is it that's giving you this information? Do you trust their opinions? Are they really an expert or are they just someone who likes to spout off? This goes for more than just writing, but since this is a writing meme, I'm sticking with that point. Too many people take advice from whoever gives it without ever thinking about how that person's advice is pertinent, or whether they're even qualified to give it. (I've caught myself doing this, so don't think I'm just spouting-off.)
Tip #2: Trust yourself. When it all comes down to it, the story is yours to write. You thought up the ideas, you created the characters. It's your story; trust your instincts with how you write it. Otherwise, you'll end up a neurotic, doubting every syllable you put on paper. Sometimes you just have to trust that you know best and write it the way you know it should be written. Damn the torpedoes and full steam ahead (and all that).
Tip #3: Know when to break the rules and when to adhere to them. There are a million rules to writing. I'm not just talking about the grammar and spelling rules, either - which are more necessary than most, but still breakable when the situation calls for it. There are rules for everything, and many of them are unwritten. As a writer, you have to walk the fine line and try to learn what rules can be broken and when. Obviously we can't just run around breaking rules higgledy-piggledy or it would be anarchy. Sometimes, however, some rules need to be broken, and more often than not, your story will tell you where and when to break them.
And now for the awards... Envelope please...
The Roar For Powerful Words award goes to... The Manuscript Mavens! (I hope that's not cheating. They are all powerful writers and there are five of them, after all.) These women have all given me plenty to think about and all have powerful, insightful and helpful posts. They are: Erica Ridley, Lacey Kaye, Darcy Burke, Carrie Ryan, and Jacqueline Barbour.
Since these ladies all provide awesome tips without the need of any meme, they can feel free to just take the award and toss the meme aside. They've earned it.
Thanks, B.E.! Great 3 tips. It will be hard to come up with 15 more!
Thanks B.E.! Yeah, those are seriously awesome tips! I think I might have a couple more up my sleeve...
Thanks B.E.! These are seriously awesome tips! I think I might have a few more up my sleeve...
Excellent tips, BE. :) Thanks for participating. :)
Sweet! Great tips, B.E. and thanks so much for the nod! You rock!! =)
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