Right now I'm going to take a not-so brief interlude (okay, it's a rant) from the writing to talk about something from the 'life in general' category.
A thread was brought to my attention today about how there seems to be an overwhelming trend toward negativity at AW. I noticed it, but haven't felt the need to comment on it. I'm commenting today, and I'm commenting here, because I don't feel a writing community is the place for comments of this nature.
Now AW is not mine, and I have no say in its workings. I'm not even a paying member (a fact I will comment on in a minute), which may make my comments seem out of line, but since this is my blog, I'm going for it.
I joined AW to seek help, guidance and comraderie from fellow writers as it pertains to the business of writing. I stayed to offer these things to people like me. I still like AW and I believe in its primary goal, but it seems to me that the forum has gotten off track. Lately it seems like people are there simply to use the boards as a medium for pushing their own agenda (political or otherwise). To me, a writing forum isn't the place for this. To talk about writing and writing related things, to network, and to basically grow as a writer--on occasion maybe even to blow off a bit of steam with other writers in a fun and friendly way. Not to debate, or argue (unless it's about the best place for a comma), or rant.
I haven't paid for a membership to AW because I can't, in good conscience, put money toward a place that allows people free reign to rant, debate, proselytize, argue, or promote hatred. I'd be interested in seeing just what percentage of AW posts go toward the business of writing and what percentage toward the crap. It seems to me like the scale is tipping toward the latter. Until it tips well toward the former, I can't and won't help finance it. If that means I get my membership revoked, so be it. (Although kicking me out of AW would only hurt AW.)
Now, as to the negativity seeping through AW--and it's not invading everywhere, AW still has positive areas and threads. I believe it's just indicative of the negativity oozing throughout our society and, if I may, throughout the world. I hold out hope, but the ooze is part of the reason why I have become a pseudo-hermit. It all goes back to philosophy. I won't repeat myself about that subject, but I ask all who are reading this to go back and read those threads.
One last thing, and then I'll shut up. If your only purpose for visiting a place like AW is to spread the ooze, please find another place to play. I'm sure there are hundreds of them out there where you can do your thing. Leave the writers alone to do theirs.
Saturday Reading Wrap-up 2/22/25
5 hours ago
1 comment:
I think many forums go this way, paid or not, unless:
1) You have a spot set aside in the forum for topics that are off the main topic, and
2) You have forum moderators to make sure that off topic threads are kept in or moved to the off-topic area, and
3) The moderators also really moderate - that is, they limit, move, or remove threads that are inappropriate.
I belong to a forum that has this in place and it seems to work really well. For the most part, I know I can go in and get the kind of information I want, without having to troll through a lot of negativity.
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