Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.
- Napoleon

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Snail Mail or Equery?

While reading through my morning blogs (Yes, I know it's not morning, but I was out of town for the day), I came across a link to an article at Algonkian Workshops called "Mail or Snail an Agent?: Vital Choices in the Lit Biz" that I though was worth sharing.


Anissa said...

Interesting article. Thanks for sharing!

B.E. Sanderson said...

I'm glad you thought so. You're welcome. =o)

Alex Adams said...

Thanks for that!

I do want to point out that Cameron McClure at Donald Maass is a woman, and most definitely not a "Mr." I had to do a frantic google to double check because I sent her a query a while back and wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally refer to her as a him. Or vice versa.

B.E. Sanderson said...

Thanks for that. I never would have known, and then I would have just listened to the guy who wrote the article and ended up ticking Ms. McClure off. Now I have to see if I've queried her and made that mistake. Ack.

Unknown said...

Great link b.e. Thanks :-)

Erica Ridley said...

Interesting article. I used to only query electronically b/c it was easier, but then when I realized I could include a few manuscript pages in a paper query, I started thinking that might be the better way to go. Of course, if the agent has a preference, always stick to that. Interesting snafu with C.M.'s gender!