A bit of sleep usually does the trick. I'm up and I'm feeling less like a hack this morning. After all the rejection letter was really very nice, and just because one person didn't get my characters doesn't mean they suck. Nor does it reflect on this or any agent. Stuff happens. Different people, different tastes.
For instance, the other day I was at the grocery store chatting with my favorite old guy as he was stocking the dairy case. I asked him if he watched the SuperBowl, and he said he had and that he was rooting for the Bears. Well, I'm anti-Chicago - not just football... it's a long story - and I'm pro-Peyton Manning, so I said I was rooting for the Colts. At that point, my little old buddy went ballistic (or as ballistic as a little old dairy guy can get in the middle of the store). Apparently, he hates Peyton Manning with a real passion. And from the sounds of it, he hates Manning for all the reasons I love Manning. *shrug* I let it go. On the scheme of things, it really didn't matter.
So, I'm back at it today. In the words of Thomas Paine, "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."
Man am I gonna have one glorious triumph someday. =o)
Saturday Reading Wrap-up 2/22/25
4 hours ago
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